Hello Prairie Dogs!
Please note that memberships are now due for 2016. You can fill in a membership form any Tuesday and the fee is £15/£10 concession. Being a member entitles you to discounted subs every Tuesday, involvement in our public events such as parades, and the right to vote at our AGM.
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place Tuesday 9 February, 7pm, in the Thompson’s Arms, followed by our Valentine’s Social. The AGM will consist of reports from the Treasurer and Chair and the election of the PD committee for 2016. If you would like to get involved in the committee, please collect a nomination form from the Treasurer. You and the two people who nominate you will all need to be members, and the deadline for nominations is Tuesday 2 February, 9pm. Feel free to chat to a member of the committee for more details.
Our Valentine’s Social is completely free, and will involve a buffet and raffle.